Projects in Progress

What I've composed so far in Composing Digital Media


For the first project in our Composing Digital Media class, we were tasked with creating a soundscape narrative, creating a sense of place and story using only sound as a medium. Layering was especially important, so we utilized Audacity to be able to easily visualize, arrange, and edit different sound layers simultaneously.

The title of this project is "Acting Like a Child". You can access sources descriptions and all corresponding files here or simply listen to the soundscape mp3 itself below! Thank the creators of sounds I used that were not of my own recording by reading about them in my credits file!

Acting Like a Child

As I started this project, I knew that I wanted to use a poem that I wrote, called “Acting Like a Child”, and set my soundscape at a playground to remind listeners of the days of blissful recess times of playing tag in mulch and jump-roping, and to contrast this childhood scene with the way that we view children as we ourselves mature.
I hope that as you listen to my soundscape - the responses of people, the yelling and laughter of children, other typical playground sounds, and then the verses of my poem - that you consider your own opinions on children, and how, perhaps, being childlike may not be the opposite of being worthy, dignified, and valuable.

Thanks for listening! Click play or pause below.

Visual Rhetoric

For the second project, we created visual rhetoric pieces, aiming to make a point, and elicit a response from the desired audience, using the affordances of visual arrangement as a medium, applying contrast, negative space, flow, and other properties. You can access details and all corresponding files here

Assimilation is not part of the puzzle

Thank you for taking time to look at my visual rhetoric project! The title of this project is “Assimilation is not part of the Puzzle.” I made this project to evoke consideration on your part, particularly consideration for the people and place of the Yakama Nation in Washington. I hope you can see the dignity, distinction, and innate worth of the native people and their culture. I am also arguing that there are many pieces of the puzzle that need to be taken to mend the many years and layers of cultural and physical damage that has been done to native America, but that assimilation isn’t even close to being one of those pieces.

visual rhetoric final draft, puzzle